Sunday, October 20, 2019

Tip: Web API vs WCF - High Level

Location Concern
Within the company Network and .NET based clients : Use WCF with TCP binding (Fast communication than HTTP)
Outside the company Network, and use diverse technologies like PHP, Python, web UI etc: Use Web API with REST

Security Concern
WCF support WS- standard and SOAP protocal.
Web API is tighly coupled with http, so can only use http releated security measures.

Network languages
WCF support multiple protocols like SOAP, TCP, HTTP, HTTPS, Named Pipe, MSMQ,
Web API supports only http, https

WCF can be used to build SOA compliance services due to the nature that it's able to support different protocols.
Web API is mainly used for front end integration, e.g. Web UI because of http protocol.

Message Format
WCF supports more message formats than web api, e.g. binary message formats
Web api supports text based message format e.g. JSON, XML

WCF offers faster speed than web api when the service and client sits in the same server. We can use tcp protocol to achieve fast message transfer.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Tip: How to add form data as a parameter(s) into Swagger UI

Recently I come across the need to pass form data from an Angular form to a web API written in ASP.NET MVC. The web api does not accept any input parameter specifically via the function signature. However i need to access some form values via the HttpContext.Current.Request.Form. Unfortunately the form does not provide any text box to enter the necessary payload.

After doing some research I found out how to make Swagger to show an extra text box just for that particular web api. First of all I need to define a function attribute that i can use for the web api, and also to tell Swagger that the function actually consist of extra parameters that need to shown in the UI. The code looks like the following:

The next piece of the code shows how we can register the attribute filter to the Swagger. The code tells Swagger to go through every Controller class in the project and check for the specified filter and in turn inform the Swagger UI about any extra parameters to create.
As you can see during application startup, the Swagger will trigger this code via the following configuration in SwaggerConfig.cs file.
The following code shows how the attributed is applied:

The picture below shows the end result in Swagger UI: